The information has been organized as a series of THEMES (5) that permit a clear and simple organization of it.
Benimaclet has always been an active barrio, determined to struggle for and improve the public resources that are necessary for all.
Here are the memories of some of the achievements. From the old campaigns to get the “trenet” (little train) tracks moved underground, since they divided the barrio into two parts, to the most recent struggles to obtain plots for urban gardens on the land abandoned by the “progress” of urbanization.
Our history began with an Arab farm. We can still see some of the typical “alquerías” in the rural surroundings or inside the city.
This manner of occupying the land shaped our landscape, and even today some of our streets follow the same patterns. The alquerías are a symbol of our farming past that we should not forget, and that is why to get to know them is an attractive way of remembering our history.
Architecture and society combine to define cities. The 20th century and modernity gave rise to social movements. And much of the contemporary architecture that we can see responds to a model of barrio construction based on such ideas as cooperation, protected housing and current actions that vouch for shared experience when building.
These are the places where we have come together since childhood, where we have done our shopping, been to the doctor, grown up, and that have formed part of a shared experience that has shaped our identity. Public services, institutions and places that we have all used, be they public or private, civil or religious.
Benimaclet has been, is and we hope it will continue to be, a cultural and artistic meeting point. Associations, schools, artists and groups have cultivated our way of life little by little. In this barrio, we have believed in knowledge. Benimaclet is where roads and ages meet. University, school, the streets, Internet, the elderly and Erasmus come together in a natural way, sharing experiences.